Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What comes after three? Oh ya, Five.

After a few months of working on counting with Adrien, it's apparent to me that he takes after my math abilities -- not his father's.

This is how Adrien counts:

Fi, free, Fi, free, fi, free...

Translation: Five, three, five, three, five, three...

Let's hope he gets my communication skills.


Mimi said...

So what's the problem? That's how it goes, right?

Apparently, we share a math gene... or lack there of.

Farrah said...

very cute...our sons (who are close in age I think) are at that cute age of trying to verbally figure out their world. My son can sing the alphabet song, but if you ask him a specific letter he thinks all letters are "A." :)

How is the pregnancy going? I am at 20wks. and have our ultrasound this week. Hope all is well. Blessings!

Patty said...

Thats cute TJ is 3 and he counts 1 2 3 4 7 8 9. Ive tried to teach him but he says"NO its 1 2 3 4 7 8 9!" o well

Andrew Newland said...

whats wrong with your husbands verbal skills?